Want to dress more sustainably? Clear out your closet and surprise others with the clothes you no longer wear? Brighten up your wardrobe without spending a dime? Or simply connect with people in your neighborhood? Look no further! The Clothing Loop is an easy-to-access initiative for swapping clothes with other people in your area or neighborhood. It’s fun, it’s free, it’s sustainable!
Find a Loopphoto: Martijn van den Dobbelsteen/de Brug
The host of your local Loop will add you to the route as soon as possible. After that, it is only a matter of time before the first bag will arrive! If you find something you like, you can take it out of the bag. And you put in something that no longer suits you, before passing the bag on to the next person on the list. Don’t forget to share a picture of your newfound favorite with the group!
The Clothing Loop originated during the corona lockdown. Within one year, this local initiative became the powerful movement it is today; together we saved mountains of clothes, our neighbors got to know each other, and we brought about a real change in behavior with regard to textile consumption.
Read more about usI think it's great to be able to 'shop' regularly without burdening my wallet or the environment.
- Roos
Never too young to learn! My daughters, aged 13 and 16, regularly pick something cool from the bags. I love how this teaches them that clothes can very well be found second-hand. In my opinion, sustainability and environmental awareness should be an important part of any education!
- Unknown
Someone in my Loop landed a new job. Guess who's dress she wore to her interview?
- Participant in Barendrecht
The best part is being able to try clothes that you would never pick in the store, and realizing that you really like them.
- Nienke
A nice bonus is that you get to know people in your neighborhood, usually neighbors with pretty green hearts as well. As a result, it is a small step – if you really need something but would rather not buy it – to toss a loan request into the Loop, such as for ski pants or a costume for a theme party!
- Lia
After receiving the third bag, it hits me just what an incredible amount of clothes we have in our closets!
- Ella
We are constantly working to make The Clothing Loop better, more widespread and more impactful. Click here if you want to help us do so!