Faire un don à The Clothing Loop

Merci d'envisager de faire un don à The Clothing Loop !
Grâce à vos dons, nous pouvons continuer à travailler sans effort pour améliorer The Clothing Loop, pour qu'il puisse avoir encore plus d'impact en quantité et en qualité.

Comment souhaitez-vous contribuer à The Clothing Loop ?

Je souhaite soutenir The Clothing Loop au moyen d'un don unique :

En faisant un don, vous acceptez nos Privacy Policy.

  • iDeal
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
anbi logo
Stichting Slow Fashion Movement is recognised by the Dutch tax authorities as an ANBI. This stands for “Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling”, which translates to Public Benefit Organisation.
  • An ANBI does not pay donation tax over donations that are used for general interest. The maximum amount of the exemption for donation tax in 2021 is € 3.244.
  • An ANBI does not pay inheritance tax over inheritances that are used as contributions to the mission of the organization. The maximum amount of the exemption in inheritance tax is € 2.244.
  • An ANBI can be entitled to a return of the energy tax.
  • The work done by volunteers for an institution with an ANBI-status can be seen as a gift under certain conditions for the tax assessment.
  • Donors that make donations to an ANBI can - if the donation is recorded - deduct that donation in their assessment income- or partnership tax.

RSIN number: 8635 12 896